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Identify and analyze the relationship between the Proportions of secretions of testosterone hormones to the users with their behavior in a social media websites using artificial intelligence algorithms.
The interpretation of aggressive and long-term behavior was based on psychological problems such as extreme
frustration, persecution, persecution, and exposure to violent behavior early in life. Psychologists interpreted
aggressive behavior as a turbulent behavior accompanied by a tendency to subvert or harm others, and eventually
develop revenge. In the 1980s, psychologist James Debbs linked aggression and male hormones, citing the fact that
men commit crimes six times more than women in most human societies. But in a recent study in Novosibirsk, the
cause of aggression among mammals, including humans, is due to the death of a large number of nerve cells in the
brain, and this begins at an early age. We will use artificial intelligence algorithms to classify the virtual samples in
terms of the secretion of male hormones, hormones of hate and depression hormones. We will compare results
with the behavior of the virtual sample on social networking sites in order to conclude whether the virtual sample
is dangerous or not.Over the last decade, social networking sites have penetrated deep into the everyday life
mechanisms of their various facilities, affecting the interactions and interactions of people and people among
themselves. Far from being neutral platforms for all, social networking sites have changed the terms and rules of
social interaction prevalent among many People for many reasons are known. In our research we will learn about
the dynamic and dynamic interface between social networking platforms and users. The logic of social networking
sites is gradually expanding into all areas of public life. In addition to print and broadcast news, it also affects law
and order, social activism, politics, etc. Therefore, its sustainable and widely disseminated logic deserves scrutiny in
detail in order to better understand its impact in various fields. Electronic social networking sites today are a
virtual place frequented by most Internet browsers and age groups of both sexes around the world on a daily basis
for many hours, Which led us to research in this environment for the diagnosis of some of the negatives and focus
on the paragraph trends and tendencies of some of these users and intellectual pioneers, using the latest
techniques of our selection of one of the algorithms of artificial intelligence and applied to the coordinates of the
default samples of the And it is very possible to apply them to samples of real users after obtaining official
permissions and permits from the official authorities to intervene in the privacy of some real samples. By applying
this algorithm, we will be able to obtain classifications and logical analyzes that will draw us decisions and values
closer the truth and the right is very high. We will address the different types of automated learning algorithms and
optimized decision making supported, through its experience in the Weka tool that we will explain in this paper.
As well as how algorithms can be configured in Weka and how to save and load good algorithm configurations.
After applying one of these algorithms in Weka on a virtual sample as mentioned, we will draw and derive the
approximate relative values of the trends and the intellectual orientations of the default sample if they are inclined
to hard thought or not through hypothetical data as we said.
testosterone hormones, social media, Weka.
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