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IJPR 9[3] July - September 2017 Special Issue

July - September 9[3] 2017

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Landscape and Thermodynamic Justification for The Application of Intelligent Technologies of Agroforestry Systems Management

Abstract: Farming practices indicate that the spatially poorly differentiated cultivated lands, which are of the same type of arable land, despite the diversity of the morphological structure of the land, are especially unstable. Agrofor-estry lands with protective plantings along the borders of agricultural land are more stable and productive. At present, in Russia there are about two thousand farms of various levels with forest protection plantings. In India, South Africa, China, and the United States, they use a broader interpretation of this term – forest lands, whose role in solving food safety problems and improving the microclimate is undeniable. Any intensive eco-nomic use of the territory is conditionally associated with direct or indirect management of natural processes. This management is carried out on the basis of previously obtained fundamental knowledge, transformed into appropriate technologies. The aim of the research is to create a managed agroforestry reclamation system based on (intelligent GIS) with three basic subsystems of models. Modeling subsystem, which is the most de-veloped, is based on the control unit of agrocenoses of the inter-band cell. The authors obtained 3 patents: No. 2634360 “Method for calculating the height of plants under the influence of forest strips”; No. 2661829 "Method for assessing the yield and productivity of irrigated agricultural crops in forest shelterbelts”; No. 2603903 “Method for calculating the biomass of plants in the inter-band space” and 8 software programs capable of solving problems in this block. The second block - the calculation of the thermodynamic characteristics of soils of agroforestry systems is solved at this stage through specific agroforestry landfills. The agroforestry system has a large number of components with their characteristic properties, which, during optimization, must be compared, balanced, and reduced to a common objective, weighted average denominator. Such a generalizing criterion assumes the thermodynamic characteristics of the objects of study with the determination of entropy (entropy calculation was performed for soils at the Novaya Panika landfill of the Volgograd region of the Frolovsky district N49 ° 60´43´´, E43 ° 66´87´´) based on objective physical laws. The thermodynamic approach with the foundations of modeling is very widespread in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, soil science. There are more than 2000 such works in the Scopus and WoS databases. In agroforestry, a thermodynamic approach has not been developed. On forestry there is a monograph by Hilmi G.F. "Fundamentals of the biosphere physics" (1968), devoted to the theoretical biogeophysics of the forest. To manage the agroforestry, an intelligent technology is proposed based on the geoinformation system of decision support for the rational use of agroforestry resources, which includes an integrated approach, identification of mathematical models of bioproductive inter-lane agrophytocenoses, thermodynamic parameters of soils and stands, predicting the dynamics of subsystems of the agroforestry complex. When working with a large amount of data, the methodological basis for sampling and monitoring the status of crops during the growing season comes to the fore. An original technique is proposed that allows monitoring the state of agricultural biomass. cultures, growth indicators, photosynthetic potential, etc. Modeling (calculation of dynamic processes) is carried out as a result of solving by one method or another the differential equations of models automatically created according to the structural scheme introduced by the researchers. The researcher's task is to know the characteristics of the plant organism and compare the calculated parameters with the physiological phases of plants, calculate the parameters on the basis of empirical data obtained in the field and derive general patterns of functioning of the inter-lane biocenoses.
Keyword: agroforestry, entropy, management, mathematical model, geographic information system, precision farming
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31838/ijpr/2020.12.03.332
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